29 september 2008


I've just ordered a webcam with a flexible wire, something that I tried (without much success) to make myself using some copper wire and a spare USB to mini USB cable. I've actually ordered two, so someone else (I don't know who yet) might benefit from a webcam and hopefully engage in awesome videochat with me.

In related news I got an official nokia branded USB charger for my phone, problem is, it doesn't work when I got it plugged into my trusty old laptop, it works fine on Palmars computer which I now owe my phones life (or at least charged state) to. Maybe I need to find some way of plugging it into that elusive and secret third proprietary USB port on my computer that was most likely made for some arcane cd-rom drive that needed extra power but was never actually made.

The only way I could see this webcam-on-a-flexible-wire improved was if they made it with a built in microphone too, since it's USB it shouldn't really be a problem, my microphone died long ago, I found out last time I took my computer apart, one of the wires was broken and I'm not Leet enough with a soldering iron to fix it, I guess I have to get me a headset.

Oooh you know what would be really cool? That awesome new pair of two driver in-ear headphones from Apple that would go so great with that sweet sweet 32GB jailbroken iPod Touch with Fring. I'd just need some kind of adapter to make it into two normal headset minijacks. Then I could finally start using Skype with sound and video on my laptop with Xubuntu!

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16 maj 2008


Det skulle være så godt, den nye døgnboks service, som er endnu et skridt i PostDanmarks arbejde for at slippe for alt det beskidte arbejde med at bringe pakker ud til folk og tilbage til posthuset igen når de ikke er hjemme hvorefter de skal bemande disse posthuse med underbetalte fjolser*.

Men der er endnu et par buler som skal glattes ud inden de er klar til at lancere servicen i hele landet. hvad sker der fx. når det bliver jul og 150 mennesker samtidig får tilsendt julegaver til en enkelt døgnboks, så kan det godt være at man kan hente den juleaften kl 03:30 men eftersom at pakken kan ligge i op til en uge, kan der godt gå lidt tid inden man kan hente sin pakke.

Et andet problem er hvis man får tilsendt noget uden for EU, og told og skat kommer ind i billedet, de har ikke noget sted at sende en toldopkrævning hen andet end til døgnboksen og den modtager ikke breve, så dette brev vil åbenbart blive sendt retur (en god idé ville nok være for postdanmark at sende sådanne breve videre til modtageren med alm postgang da de jo godt ved hvem brevet er til) og når så told og skat får brevet tilbage, så sender de pakken retur til afsender.

En helt anden ting er at det ikke går at tilsendt noget til en Døgnboks hvis TNT, UPS eller DHL skal bringe pakken ud, det er desværre ikke sikkert at afsenderen (fx Apple) gør opmærksom på dette, så her må man gætte sig frem eller sørge for kun at bruge døgnboksen hvis man er sikker på at den bliver sendt med PostDanmark.

Update Min pakke har åbenbart undgået Told og Skat, og er ankommet til døgnboksen. :)

* Da mig og Louise skulle hente en bog og de ikke kunne finde den på posthuset spurgte den mindre bemidlede postmedarbejder (efter vi havde gjort opmærksom på at det var en bog vi ventede) om pakken mon var en rulle. Det skal dog siges til de stakkels postmedarbejderes forsvar at de fleste er intelligente, venlige og rare mennesker.

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06 maj 2008

Relative security

Having just returned from Warsaw with an airplane, it struck me how I could have gotten on board any of the airplanes without even showing my boarding pass, I'd like to think that they at least counted us when we sat in the plane, but even that is not a fool proof solution as someone could've gotten lost on their way to the plane, and someone else could've taken their place, kinda like the buddy system.

It's kinda funny how all the security in a place like Copenhagen is all for naught when someone can just waltz in and get on a plane. Also I don't trust the metal detectors as I wen't through one twice and it only went off once...

04 april 2008


No I'm not starring in a new movie. I've gotten my cast on today, and I have no idea how hard it's going to be to actually get around. I can forget all about biking for two weeks, and all transport will have to be much more carefully planned than I thought.

My arms are going to be so incredibly buff (and sore) after these two weeks, and then it's on to training for 6 weeks, the leg training is gonna be fairly easy compared to the biking thing I did. But I'm planning on also buffing up my upper body a bit, get into shape (a shape other than a ball of clay that is).

20 marts 2008

How Vista sucks

Let me count the ways... I know it's easy to pick at, but I'm just so... Oh gawd it's so awful.

Yesterday I wrestled with a computer to try and stop it from running slower than a granny with a walker. I removed the stupid warnings. Removed the rounded edges of the windows and all the other CPU-melting eye-candy and it was still barely functioning.

My hapless friend even got roped into getting mcafee because it came bundled and he couldn'tfigure out how to get rid of it and install an anti virus like AVG free. Now mcafee pops up whenyou hover the mouse on Google search results and tells you that mcafee scans hundreds ofthousands of webpages but this particular one isn't one of them, ghee wiz, what are the chances, there's only like 10 billion webpages on the interwebs.

Edit: I nearly forgot, I tried to install the new Service Pack 1 for vista, and after downloading nearly half a gigaby of data (albeit pretty quickly) Vista told me (with a smirk) that I couldn't install the update because the computer was running a Danish version of Vista :(

I'm looking forward to getting rid of this pesky vista and install a good OS like Ubuntu that even lets him run Photoshop :)

31 januar 2008

London Update

Well I didn't win, but I got one guy kicked out of the game before folding myself, it was all in good fun. Afterwards I went to the creepy hotel and had a hot bath and now I'm in an iPhone store and drooling, I've found Davina and we're gonna have some food at Carnevale Restaurant soon, afterwards dancing :)


It's now noon and I should have been in London (well in an hour) so my trip is slightly shortened. I.ll ask

Denne meddelse er sendt fra min 3mobil.

22 januar 2008


Great news! I seem to have won a trip to London!

The details are still a little sketchy but what I know is that I'll be leaving Thursday, January 31 from Copenhagen Airport 10:40 in the morning, arriving at noon. Then I have to play a Poker Turnament at the Century Members' Club at 3p.m. and then I plan to go sightseeing, maybe see some Banksy Paintings.

I've contacted a few Couchsurfers and already gotten in contact with a some, I plan to eat some nice vegetarian organic dinner somewhere and then go dancing.

They're booking me a hotel room but I'm not really comfortable with sleeping in a strange hotel, so I might just stay with a Couchsurfer in London instead.

At Noon Friday there's a plane back for me, I thought about staying longer, but the prices goes up right now even as we speak, and then I thought why not just go all out one night in London, might be fun.

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