22 maj 2005


I got nothing new to say, my mind completely blank.

I guess Blogs only happen when something interesting is going on, something to report about other than "I went to the store yesterday, bought some food" or "I baby-sat my niece last night"

I guess I could write something like, we just saw "Shrek 2 - i Kina spiser de æsler" it was funny. Or I could write something like, went to work today, it was awful as usual. But instead I'm gonna say, "The weather's great, I'm going out"

Update: I went out, it was great, I went across dronning Louises bro, and sat on a grassy knoll, ate a bag of oranges and read Stephen Hawking's Illustrated Brief History of Time. Then I met Fuji. Then I went home and fell asleep.

2 kommentarer:

Magnus P. Bjarnason sagde...

So there I was, all looking forward to reading the blog of the day, when at the agreed upon time, nothing shows up..?

tirsdag, 24 maj, 2005  
Magnus P. Bjarnason sagde...

So once again, no update? What happened to the "I'm gonna post it right now?". You can't just dissapoint your fans like this : )

tirsdag, 24 maj, 2005  

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