14 august 2005

Enter Ptuj

Yesterday we got on a train that took us to Ptuj, the ticket was only 2040 Tolar (~65 kr.) and the train had coupe´s like the old trains in Denmark.

We then walked to the EJC and got picked up by some very efficient german people in a large van.

The campsite is not really done yet, but there´s already a bigtop filled with people juggling. I did a lot of passing and a lot of staring at the talented people. Seems like everybody is doing what I´m just about to learn.

I found this wonderful free internet cafe for students in Ptuj, but unfortunately they didn´t have a mini-USB connecter to my camera :( so only some 4 pictures left. Signe if you´re reading this, I desperately need that SD card, could you make sure it gets here ASAP?

Anyway I˝m off to find some breakfast and hopefully my bathing shorts which I accidentally left at the wonderful waterland they have right next to the campsite.

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