23 oktober 2006

stupid Bluetooth

So I found out some time ago (and just recently verified myself) that I can't install bluetooth on my stupid Thinkpad x40 (I so want a new lappy) Maybe one of those sleek MacBooks with all its bluetooth glory and hazaa.

The reason for all this bluetooth wantin' is of course my new chubby little Nokia 6280 phone that has a not so shabby battery life (8 hours and counting) for playing mp3's due to its solid state miniSD card flash-ness. (aint I just totally megagaltastic*)

Good news is if I shell out the cash for one of those Fingernail sized 1 or 2GB miniSD cards I can put pretty much as much music on as I want (well around 2 gigs worth I guess) but it also comes with a SD card adapter enabling me to put it in my computer for fast audio transfer.

*OMG a search on google for the term "megagaltastic" already shows 50.000 results I wonder if there were any before Ze Frank blogged about it?

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