16 august 2005


I've spent all night in a tent at the campsite where Rumpelstiltskin the nonsensical Pixie performed a very absurd show. He kept at it all through the night, fueled by beers from the audience.

Very late in the morning, something happened (I had gotten my sleeping bag and slept through most of the nights show) He took a jumprope, lit it on fire, and jumped it, on his unicycle! it was quite spectacular.

Later when I woke up again, he was still at it, I thought the last people had gone a 5-6 in the morning, but new people had come! Rumors said he would do a 25 hour show, and I'm going back soon to see if he's still at it!

UPDATE: I came back to the camp at nine in the evening, and he was indeed still at it, 1½ hours later, he was done! 25 hours on stage, and he still hung around for a couple of hours to see the cabaret show!

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