22 september 2005

Fuck fysik

Jeg er igang med at lave min fysikrapport færdig, og det tager al min tid og alle mine kræfter. Og når den så er færdig, er der sku tre mere som skal laves i eftermiddag. Hmm jeg må vel hellere se at komme i gang...Update: Jeg er færdig, så skal den bare printes ud!

My sisters wedding

Last Saturday I completely forgot my sisters wedding, and no I'm not talking about some cheasy Hollywood flick (I just knew there would be one).

I thought I should upload a few of the many exellent pictures I had of the event here.

I went and bought a white iPod Nano for them in Apple's danish webstore. It came only a week after, with engraving and all (didn't that use to take some 7-9 weeks?).

They expressed much awe and gratitude about it, but some difficulty getting it to word, but I helped them out, I figured it would be easy seeing that they have a huge 17 inch Powerbook at their disposal. But I digress.

21 september 2005

Frøken Verden 2000

Sometimes I post something that alienates my readers.

The internet never forgets, and even though Bøssehusets homepage has been vandalized the Internet Archive never forgets

Well I might as well come clean. So here I was yes that's me, in the pink tutu, feathers on my head and everything. It was quite fun, I just never found out how to score real girls in that outfit, plus I got fat (thankfully I've gotten fit again: thanks Nutrilett!)

I never really got into that thing again, but it was fun none the less. I've got a good mind to dress up for the next Rocky Horror show, if it should ever come to Denmark again.

Well I guess if Rumpel can do it, it's not so bad.

08 september 2005

Roskilde-festival 2005

Look, I'm on the Interweb!

The girl driving me around is called Eirinn, from Norway, she found the picture searching for pictures from roskilde festival. Then send it to Magnus, who sent it to me :)

It was a blast driving around in the festival area, I don't know how I got in, technically I don't think we were supposed to, but someone just let us in and we stayed in there the whole day :)

Anyway, it's always nice to know you're a celebrity in the Netherlands.

03 september 2005


I better link to GoPod a neat little program that changes two bytes in the iPod to remove the volumecap they put in the European iPods. Our sensitive ears can't take all that volume apparently...

There's just one problem, if you get some decent hearphones the iPod doesn't have enough juice to blast you ears off. GoPod fixes that.

(note: I write this mostly to myself, so I can find it next time I need it)