31 oktober 2005

Bwoken iPod

On the same day the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was destroyed by Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah (Who said history isn't interesting?) my iPod died and on the same day I delivered it to Officeline in Århus.

Today 13 days later, my iPod "could" have played about half my music. But instead Officeline tells me thei're awaiting a part to arrive, a part meaning of course a new iPod, but not just any new iPod, no it can't be one of the old 4G iPods in the store, it's going to be an old 4G iPod mind you, just not one of the ones they have in the store, because that would mean they were going to miss one in their inventory.

In the mean time what all of this boild down to is that I'm stuck without music for my long cold bike trips to school. I feel taken hostage by Officeline. Now I'm going to see if I can get my money back, and then maybe buy a new iPod video or a Nano.

30 oktober 2005

Clean Keyboard

I just cleaned my (Magnus') keyboard! it's really really clean! Also all the keys are working now!

I may also have moved a few of the keys around as to confuse the enemy, I think it's really helpful if you want to learn to type without looking. (But possibly making it impossible for others to write on my keyboard :)

25 oktober 2005

Dibolo trick 1

Diabolo trick 1 a small Diabolo Trick by Celian

You can (possibly) subscribe directly to my podcast by clicking here

Update: Due to some stupid error on my side, you'll only see the actual code when clicking the link, but you can drag the link into iTunes.

But now there is a better option, since I got acceptet into the iTunes Podcast directory you can just subscribe by clicking here

Edit: This is the first original Opspin Podcast 001

06 oktober 2005


Nu må folk snart til at tage sig sammen!

Der er fundet en taske på Hovedbanegården, og derfor skal hele stationen evakueres! det er da for tåbeligt, der er sku da aldrig nogen i min levetid som har lagt nogen bomber nogen steder i Danmark. Skulle man ikke tage at stikke fingeren i jorden (og så forresten tage og få de brave Jenser (og Lotter?) hjem fra diverse krige så man ikke behøvs bekymre sig om Bomber)

Gid en eller anden god sjæl ville tage og ringe ind til DSB og sige at han havde glemt den forjættede taske og han nok skulle fjerne den hvis ikke militærets bombeeksperter allerede havde sprunget tasken til Afganistan, så folk kunne komme videre med deres liv.

Jeg vil i fremtiden tage enhver taske som er glemt og aflevere den i nærmeste billetkontor. Det er hvad jeg altid har gjort og jeg gider ikke rende rundt og bekymre mig om tumpede bomber som ikke eksisterer.

Update: Det viste sig at bomben på hovedbanegården ikke var en bombe, det ville enhver idiot kunne have fortalt, da folk heroppe i det kolde nord heldigvis ikke er så idiotiske at de begynder at springe hinanden i luften. Vi holder os til at smide med maling, hvilket er langt mere uskadeligt og ufarligt.