26 november 2005

Timelapse test

Time for the second Opspin Video Podcast, I hacked my Canon IXUS 50 using a piece of tape and a rubber band, set it to continous mode, and shot 241 pictures on my way home from Heide Loaded them all into Quicktime and exported the iPod Video friendly format.

If you have iTunes installed you can subscribe to my podcast here

The music is Yakety Sax © Boots Randolph From the Benny Hill Show I hope BBC, MPAA, APG, God and the Devil are all OK with me using 16 seconds of that great song

20 november 2005

Cirkus Mind

Cirkus Mind med min gode ved Mac ved microfonen spiller i Pumpehuset d. 9. december, og jeg syntes selvfølgelig at alle skulle komme og høre dette geniale band!

Apple store rebate

So apparently the more you buy and register at apple the more they love you, weird huh?

I got this promotional code, but I have absolutely no use for it, so here ya go, just let me know if you use it. Only ten more days to go, better hope Google is effective at that indexing of theirs.

275 kr. off online Apple Store orders over 2.750 kr.. Valid until 30/11/05.
Coupon code : N1A342D8Z9

En lys idé

Her kl. 4 om morgenen, hvor jeg af urandsalige årsager ikke kan sove, fik jeg lige en pudsig idé. Hvis en stor bunke enhedslisten anarkister (ups sagde jeg virkelig det?) gik ind og lod som om de var Venstrefolk, og lavede en allerhelvedes masse politisk arbejde, blev valgt og så efter valget sprang fra og hoppede over til nogle andre partier, ville det, ja, være morsomt...

Sorry meget træt, burde nok lægge computer væk og vende mig så snottet kan løbe til det andet næsebord.

15 november 2005

Metelkova Mesto

Metelkova Mesto, originally uploaded by nilbot.

I found out what that place in Ljubljana was. It's called Metelkova mesto and it's part squatter paradise part Former Prison turned Art Gallery turned Hostel called Celica

Wikipedia on Ljubljana

09 november 2005

What the Old Man Does Is Always Left

This guy decided to take things in a different direction I just hope this adventure goes better that 14 bucks site

08 november 2005


My iPod is back, or rather, my iPod is in Iceland somewhere, my icelandic iPod is in Allerød somewhere, and some new alien iPod is in my window getting a thorough charge, while I update my music library.

Oh and the Shuffle's back too, I guess.

07 november 2005

Lemon tree

Lemon tree, originally uploaded by Opspin.

This is my lemon tree, I neglected it during my trip to Iceland this summer, so when I came home, all the leaves had died, but I kept on watering it, and it came back to life, so I guess I'm officially the only person to own a zombie lemon tree.

To make sure it doesn't eat my brains while I sleep I attached a clown nose to it, unfortunately the result was a horrible Zombie clown lemon tree (Try Googling that!)

Bent Candle

Bent Candle, originally uploaded by Opspin.

I put my the candle to close to the radiator and it bent down :) looks funny.

Rhoeo Discolor

Rhoeo Discolor, originally uploaded by Opspin.

This is, as far as I can tell, a Rhoeo Discolor or something like that, I like this plant because of it's exotic plamlike look and purple underside

Click here to see the whole photoset

02 november 2005

Bwoken iPod part 2

15 16 forever and a days and still no iPod for me, Service is certainly not as good as in Iceland, where I had a brand spanking new iPod with 7 Gigs of music a couple of hours after I came into the store with my first iPod. Luckily there is a solution, albeit not a pretty one.

The good thing about giving your little siter an iPod is, when you own dies, you can bully her into giving you her iPod until your own comes back. ^-^

Sorry Signe, I'll bring it back ASAP and I'll try and put those Radiohead songs on somehow. (Hey I'm currently making sure she gets a nice birthday/christmas present)

Update: I just got a funny email from apple saying something has been sent, but nothing about what exactly had been sent, and the Officeline repair person just told me the iPod had been sent from the Netherlands yesterday Thursday, and would arrive at the repairing place today Friday, then it has to be sent to the Shop and they won't get it until monday after 11:30, and the I have to get it. Would have been much easier if they would just ship it directly to me instead, but whatever, I'm getting my iPod back, that's what matters.

Update 2: The iPod in question may or may not be sent to Århus instead, tune in tomorrow for the exiting ending of this nonsense